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36 Weeks

There is now officially less than a month remaining until my due date.


I also had a minor freakout last night, when I discovered that Bee, whose due date is a few days after mine, went into labor and had her daughter early in the morning. As happy as I am for her and her family that both mom and the baby are doing well, I couldn’t help but FREAK OUT over the announcement, knowing that my own BebeDeux can come at any moment.

I barely slept last night. And BebeDeux didn’t help either — she was kicking up a storm, as if to tell me, “Mommy I want to come out NOW!”

(On a related note, my mother had the chance to feel my stomach when BebeDeux was in one of her tumbling-like-a-maniac modes. “How do you sleep at night?” she asked me. I replied, “I don’t!”)

The good news is that BebeDeux continues to remain healthy in there. My OB appointments are now once a week, and the doctor informs me that even if I go into labor this second, there is very little chance of complications and that the baby is simply thriving. “Just keep doing what you’re doing,” she added. “You’re in the home stretch!”

I also asked the doc yesterday if second-time moms tend to deliver before their due dates. “Not necessarily,” she said. “From my experience, there’s still a good chance that you might go over your due date. However, I can tell you that if you have delivered vaginally before, your labor will probably be much easier than the first time!”

This has been confirmed by my neighbor and my cousin, both of whom have recently had their second children, and both of whom delivered their second babies in literally three pushes.

“Don’t worry about the delivery at all,” my neighbor told me. “Your body just remembers. I pushed for almost three hours with my first — I couldn’t believe how easy it was with the second!”

My labor with Claire was freakishly easy: she was out in just 12 pushes, or 5 minutes. Now I’m wondering if delivering BebeDeux will be tremendously difficult, to “compensate” for my easy first, or if BebeDeux will come zipping out of my hoo-ha as if on a water slide.

But then again, labor & delivery is not the part that worries me. It’s what will come afterwards that has me losing sleep at night.

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