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Dear Baby,

Today is your father’s 32nd birthday. And today, I was able to surprise him with the best present:

It’s faint, but it’s definitely there. I am pregnant with you!

This is the happiest moment I’ve had in months and months. I had tears of joy streaming down my face as soon as your father confirmed the line, and I am still tearing up thinking about it.

Thank you so much, baby, for gracing us with your existence. And thank you, God, for giving us this gift of life.

I hope I can be a good mother to you. And I hope and pray that you will be a healthy and happy baby, one that we will greet with open arms come October.

I love you already.

Your Mommy

P.S. — A lady on my pregnancy forum tweaked the picture above and made this for us. You are so loved and welcomed already!

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