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Dorm in a Box

I probably spent thousands of dollars in dorm/apt essentials and deco over my college career. And all for what? Stuff I threw away, donated, or sold for less than 30% of their market value. I mean, who the heck buys twin extra long beds for their own house?

Looking back, I regret the ridiculous amount of money I spent on the material objects which supplemented my college life. Because the things you buy for college are meant to be disposable, like newly developed skills (perfecting the trajectory required to dunk that ping pong ball into a plastic cup of beer), certain types of relationships (the “frenemy”), and $100,000 worth of knowledge (I honestly can’t for the life of me name even one of the five models of international trade…and international relations was my major!).

It is exactly for this reason that I was delighted to read of Dorm in a Box, which packages high-quality dorm essentials and ships them directly to your university…at a fraction of the cost.

Take a look at their Dorm 101, their basic package:

Now, I know most of the items on this list – I’ve owned some of them – and they are by no means flimsy items that will fall apart after just one week. They are things you will use again and again, and they are things you will need as a college student living in a dorm.

The Dorm 101 package sells for a mere $199.

Go tell all your friends, family, and neighbors – even your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate’s daughter who will be starting college in the fall – about this website.

Via Core77.

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