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The Character Elements of Breaking Bad

There have been so many life-changing, and potentially life-changing events going on lately that I’ve been one big ball of emotions. I’ve even taken a pregnancy test because I can’t remember being this emotional and not being pregnant! (And no, I’m not pregnant.)

Additionally, this blog is currently in the process of moving to a new web host. (More on why in a later post.) This has been going on since Friday — 5 days ago! — but my old host is being a dick and making the migration process as slow as possible. And I don’t have the time or energy to fight them. So please bear with me as the transfer continues.

But wait! My It Can Wait giveaway, featuring a prize pack worth $600(!), is still underway. Have you entered yet?

And, to celebrate the return, and mourn the beginning of the end of Breaking Bad, I wanted to share with you these pieces from Shutterstock, where stock artwork from various artists are used to create Bad Chemistry: The Character Elements of Breaking Bad. While I don’t exactly agree with all the analyses (e.g., I don’t think Skyler is that innocent), you can see that some of them are supposed to be humorous generalizations (see: Walt Jr.). Enjoy!












And, just in case you haven’t watched this Honest Trailer for Breaking Bad yet (funny how they make the same observation about Walt Jr.!)….

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