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The Cost of a Miscarriage…

…when your insurance provider refuses to pay for it:


Only now do I truly understand how it feels to be stuck with massive medical bills after a beloved one has passed away. Oh wait, that’s essentially what happened.

This post is not a means to whine about my medical bills. It is a way for me to officially mark my signature in support of healthcare reform.

It is easy to be happy with the status quo when all is well. We always had good healthcare coverage through employers. It was only when, through a series of unfortunate events, we were no longer eligible for group plans and were forced to traverse the inhumane world of individual health insurance, then denied coverage for being pregnant, that my eyes flew open.

We received good — no, GREAT news this week. J was given a fantastic job offer and he will begin his new job next week. The new position comes with great health benefits and I will undoubtedly be included under spousal coverage.

But I refuse to be complacent again. Because I know that for every story that is like mine, there are hundreds, if not thousands, that are worse. Because there are models that work. Because there has to be a better way.

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