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18 Weeks

This week’s update is a few days late, but I’ve had good reason to postpone.

There isn’t anything new or exciting on the pregnancy front aside from my severe round ligament pain. I still feel some aching, but it seems like the pain is gradually getting better. Praise God! I’m happy that I can now move about, especially considering that we’re leaving for our babymoon in just two days (!!!) and we had purchased non-refundable tickets and hotel rooms in order to get the best possible rates.

I am however, feeling extra sluggish and Jabba-esque due to my being in bed for the past few days. I stepped on the scale this morning to find that I had gained two pounds from my last weekly weigh-in. But since I had lost some weight in the past few weeks, I am still a few pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest (at 13 weeks).

As you can see, there doesnt’ seem to much development in the belly department either.

On to the update!

Dear Baby,

Your father and I are still getting used to calling you and referring to you as “she” and “her” as opposed to “it.” We’re both overjoyed that you’re doing well in there, and we honestly can’t wait to meet you face-to-face.

Your father constantly sighs while looking at my belly. “I wish she were here already,” he would pout.

You are now the size of a sweet potato, or a large bell pepper. You are now about 6″ crown-to-rump and weigh 7 ounces. Looking at a ruler, it’s already hard to imagine that you’re already this big!

Your ears are now in their final positions (although they still stick out a bit), and a protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around your nerves, a process that will continue for a year after you’re born.

According to Baby Gaga, this week is an important one for your skin:

There are now two distinct layers—the epidermis (or the surface skin) and dermis. Currently, their skin is covered with a greasy, waxy, cheese-like substance, known as vernix caseosa. Sure, it sounds pretty nasty, but this mixture of fatty secretions covering your little swimmer from head to toe is the best way to protect their oh-so-thin skin from bruising and abrasions as well as chapping caused by amniotic fluid exposure (and your little one is swimming in that stuff!). Still don’t like the fact your little darling is currently slathered in fatty cream like a greased pig? Well, you know the birthing process? Where you have to push something the size of a watermelon out a hole the size of a grape? That adorable little greased piglet would have a lot harder time getting through the birth canal without the vernix caseosa.

I just imagined myself giving birth to a greased-up baby pig…thanks for the mental image, Baby Gaga!

In addition to your skin, your sexual organs are now formed and in pace. You will even have developed a vaginal canal by the end of the week!

I always said that it must be weird for mothers who are growing boys inside; after all, they are growing a tiny penis inside of them! But now that I know that I am growing a tiny uterus, fallopian tubes, and a vagina inside of me…well…


</end overly protective motherly rant>

Baby, the past few days have been especially tough on your mother. Please don’t give me any more trouble while we are on vacation. I promise I will get lots of sun and tons of relaxation on the beach which I know you’ll love!

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