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Breast Fest 2010 Postponed

Unfortunately, J and I have decided to postpone Breast Fest (that’s my name for my 24-hour, breast-only, no-bottles-allowed marathon) a week or two.

We have always known that Claire has a “witching hour” — a period at night where a baby is extra fussy and cranky — but it has progressed to full-blown colic over the weekend. The past few nights have been hell. None of our usual tricks seem to work, and as soon as she seems to have calmed down, she will start screaming again once we relax.

Her fussiness has considerably gotten worse during the daytime too.

(And before you give any suggestions, please know that yes, we probably have tried it already. We have tried everything that friends have suggested, or read about in books and websites. And no, Claire does not have any medical problems. We can only deduce that it is colic, and that we will need to wait it out.)

They say that fussiness usually peaks at 6 weeks, and since Claire is currently 6 weeks old we are thinking that holding Breast Fest this week, when she is especially cranky and uncooperative, may not be the best idea.

I am praying that the colic will not last too long, and that it will not get any worse than this.

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