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Classic Books Retitled to Boost Web Traffic

Mike Lacher of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency has a list of great works of literature that have been retitled for SEO purposes. I’ll tackle the first — can you figure out the rest?

7 Awesome Ways Barnyard Animals Are Like Communism – “Animal Farm”

The 11 Stupidest Things Phonies Do To Ruin The World

8 Surprising Ways West Egg Is Exemplary Of The Hollowness Of The American Dream

6 Shockingly Evil Things The Turn-Of-The-Century Meatpacking Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

5 Insane Ways London Could Become a Dystopia (And How It’s Not That Far From Reality)

1 Weird Thing Caddy Smells Like

I personally do not take much stock in SEO, so just reading these overly descriptive, list-centric titles makes me gag. However, you can’t help but admit that they sure sound intriguing!

Via kottke.org.

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