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POP! Goes the Baby…

A big “con” of having an anterior placenta is that I will not feel the baby move as early, or as often as other mothers. Luckily, I first felt the sensation of fluttering butterflies at 16 weeks…but not much since.

The big exception was when we went on our babymoon and I felt her swimming around whenever the plane changed altitudes. But other than that, there have been slight flutters here and there but never frequently and hardly exciting.

Last night, as I was doing the dishes, I distinctly felt a “pop” in my lower abdomen. Like a big, STRONG bubble bursting inside my uterus. The sensation was so particular and distinct that I immediately placed my wet soapy hands on my stomach. And it happened again…

…and I was able to FEEL it from the outside!

Later that night, I felt a short succession of pops as I lay on the couch cuddling with Comang. And I was definitely able to feel those with the palm of my hand too.

Unfortunately, the popping stopped as soon as J placed his hands on my stomach.

It’s amazing how my being able to feel her move has gone from 0 to 100 in just one day, because I woke up to the feeling of her popping this morning too!

Maybe I should start calling her “Piggy,” after guinea pigs who popcorn:

As the pregnancy progresses, I know that I will eventually be able to see her move from the outside too. I know this is perfectly normal, but the prospect freaks me out a little because it reminds me of the Alien movies.

How far along were my mommy readers when you first felt the baby move? Did your stomach move like the video above when you were further along in your pregnancies?

P.S. — I promise to catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates soon, along with updated belly pictures. You won’t believe how big I’ve gotten…my stomach seems to have “popped” overnight too!

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