- Geek in Heels - https://www.geekinheels.com -


Claire seems to be doing much better this morning. Her fever is gone, she no longer cries out from pain, and she is finally eating.

I did not sleep a wink last night from worrying over my sick daughter. Since my in-laws have arrived early this morning to help with the baby, I will now attempt to get some shut-eye…

But before I do, as Gandolf powerfully proclaimed to the Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, I would like to roar to this ear infection, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”

And in the spirit, here is a clever physics problem that incorporates that famous scene:

Physics was my worst subject in school, so I have no idea how I would even go about attempting to solve this problem. But taking into consideration the epic geekery of this question, I wonder if I would have fared better with instructors who were as creative as this…

Via Reddit.

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