- Geek in Heels - https://www.geekinheels.com -

Added: Avatars!

One of the very few complaints I have about Squarespace is the lack of robust user profiles. While free platforms such as WordPress and vBulletin offer numerous methods for registered users of the hosted website to personalize their profiles and interact each other, Squarespace is very limited in this area.

This is when hacks come in handy.

I always thought that the “Comments” section of each post looked a bit drab, so I decided to add avatars:

Unfortunately, individual users will not be able to upload the avatars themselves…only I am able to do so.

So if you visit this site often, have an account, and want a custom avatar, shoot me an email at  j e n n y [a t] g e e k i n h e e l s . c o m  with your desired image and I will happy to do so for you!

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