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Doggie Fives

I’ve stated numerous times that Comang is not very bright. And while the desire to please is ever-present, we’ve only been able to teach him a handful of tricks due to his dim-wittedness.

So far, Comang knows: sit, stay, down, jump, and high-five.

Yes, you read that correctly. Our dog knows how to high-five. It was one of the first tricks that J taught him. See for yourself:

It is precisely for this reason that I immediately fell in love with the following video, which depicts a man trying to teach his baby to high-five and the dog jumping in to do it himself, as if to say, “Sigh, let the EXPERT show you how it’s done!”

I can sooo see Comang doing this when the baby comes!

P.S. — I almost forgot that Comang also knows the command “Wolverines!” J taught him this after watching the move Red Dawn (aka one of the most bad-ass movies of the 1980s) — all we do is raise up one arm and shout “Wolverines!” and Comang lifts one of his front paws to emulate. I must get this on video one day!

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