Apr 11, 2011  •  In Baby, Blogging, Claire, Giveaways, Parenting, Reviews

Magic Sleepsuit Giveaway!

Remember the Magic Sleepsuit? Let’s see if this helps refresh your memory:

Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit was invented by Maureen Howard, a pediatric physical therapist and a mother of four. It was designed for babies who are approximately 3 months of age and have been swaddled, but are beginning to grow out of that stage. The Magic Sleepsuit provides babies with the cozy and secure sleep environment that they became so accustomed to with swaddling. It aids in making a positive transition into that spacious crib, and promotes back sleeping which all mothers know is the best sleep position for reducing the risk of SIDS.

We first purchased  the Magic Sleepsuit when Claire was going through her “four-month wakeful” period — only napping 30 minutes at a time and waking up 5x a night. Not only were J and I exhausted, Claire was plain miserable and I was willing to try anything to help my daughter sleep better.

The first time we used the Magic Sleepsuit Claire took a 1.5 hour nap — her longest in weeks! — and she only woke up twice that night. We thought the first day was just a fluke, but for the next few days she continued to sleep better than she had for weeks and I could only credit the Sleepsuit.

I have talked about the Magic Sleepsuit in my sleep-training post and stated how it helped us wean Claire from swaddling, and how it has become an essential part of our bedtime routine as we used it as a sleep-training tool.

I have also listed the Magic Sleepsuit in my favorite baby items post because we truly believe that it helps Claire sleep better and for longer periods of time.

Well, I’ve got some fantastic news for my readers (and their friends):

Maureen has graciously offered to give one reader a FREE Magic Sleepsuit!

Even if you don’t have a baby or are not pregnant, I would highly recommend that you enter anyway, because I’m sure that you can find someone who will find the Magic Sleepsuit (a $39.95 value) super useful.

You can enter the giveaway in three different ways:

  1. Leave a comment to this post telling us who the Sleepsuit will be for
  2. Tweet (and leave a comment here saying you did so) the following:  I just entered to win a Magic Sleepsuit — www.magicsleepsuit.com — and you can too! http://bit.ly/e9ZDvb
  3. “Like” this post using the Facebook “Like” button at the bottom (and leave a comment here saying you did so)

Each method will grant you one separate entry, so you can increase your chances of winning by using all three methods of entry.

Please leave a valid email address (which will not be published or shared) when filling out the comment form so that I can contact you if you win.

The giveaway will end this Friday, April 15th, 2011 at 12:00pm EST. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator and be notified via email, at which point he/she will have the option of choosing the color and size of the Sleepsuit. The giveaway is valid only for U.S. residents.

Thanks for reading, and good luck!

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82 Responses to “Magic Sleepsuit Giveaway!”

  1. Lauren says:

    It would be for me and my 2 month old baby – need to have it ready for when she reaches that no swaddle age!

  2. Tracy says:

    I would love to win this for when I have my own baby.

  3. Jasmin says:

    I’d use it for my son that is soon to arrive in the oxygen filled world in a few weeks!

  4. Chris says:

    I think I will give it to one of the first-time moms that I know! 🙂

  5. Annie says:

    I would give it to my friend who is giving birth in September and she’s a first time mom and will need all the help she can get. 🙂

    I will also tweet it! 😀

  6. atout says:

    These are so intriguing! I would gift the suit to my very very pregnant bff. She’s about to have her first and could use all the help she can get!

  7. Courtney says:

    I hope it will be for baby number 2 in the next year or so!

  8. Courtney says:

    I liked the post on FB!

  9. Jen says:

    I would love to win – it would be used for Baby #2 due in October. I could have used this with my first one, who at 11 months still wakes up several times a night. Do they make them big enough for toddlers 🙂

  10. JamieH says:

    If I win, I will use this for my baby when he gets a little bit older. He s currently 6 weeks old and will.not.sleep without being swaddled.

  11. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant, and I would love to already be prepared with a sleep suit! 🙂

  12. Gloria says:

    For my someday baby 😉

  13. Jennifer says:

    I’m a new reader. I stumble upon your blog from my friend’s link to one of your post “The Aging Process of Asian Women” (hilarious) and I started reading your blog and couldn’t stop (love reading your blog). I also have a daughter; she’s born on 10/6, several days after your daughter. I must thank you for your post on sleep training. After reading that post, I was thinking hmmm… maybe I should try it since my daughter cannot sleep through the night (she wakes up 2-3times). Last Monday, I decided to try it on her. I put her to bed when she was sleepy, she would cry for 10 minutes, I would go and soothe her and let her cry for another 10 minutes (I modified it, couldn’t bare her crying, it’s tough) before the 10 minute was over, she actually fell asleep!! My husband and I was jumping out of joy (literally!) The first night, she only woke up once, the second night she cried after her 7-8th hour, but for only a few seconds and went back to sleep without us soothing her. The pass couple nights she slept all the way through 10+hours. Thank you so much for that post.
    I thought about buying the magic sleepsuite instead of putting layers of clothes on her, since she tends to kick her blanket off (she’s a very active sleeper hahaha…). But, I saw today’s post Magic Sleepsuite giveaway woohoo!! I hope I win, but if I don’t that’s ok, because she’s finally sleeping!!!

  14. Liesal says:

    I don’t have a baby yet, but we’re just starting to try. If I win, I’m keeping this bad boy all for myself! 🙂

  15. Julia says:

    I have a baby girl, Prudence, who is 1.5 months old…she’s already a finicky sleeper and I’m willing to try anything at this point to help her sleep better. So if I win, it would be put to very good use!

  16. Denise K says:

    Awesome giveaway! If I win, this will go to my niece who’s just a few months away from being born!

  17. Hollyh says:

    Me!!it will be for me! Well, for me baby. I am expecting my 2nd in Nov. And this would be great. Thanks for the chance to win.

  18. Lil' says:

    I’m due on May 16th! I would to have one of these!

  19. stacey says:

    one of my best friends is 16 weeks pregnant and we’re trying to get pregnant, both with our first child… so i think we’ll share this if i win! 🙂

  20. Olivia kim says:

    hello! I am a first time mom expecting in aug.
    I am so excited and would love to have one of these
    for my son. I am sure he will enjoy it very much 🙂

  21. Janice says:

    I will use the sleepsuit for my 2nd baby who is due in early Dec. My first baby was a horrible sleeper and only started sleeping through the night and I don’t want to go through that again. Thanks for posting this!

  22. Mareepossa says:

    Oh please pick me!!! We would love this for our son. 🙂

  23. Katie F. says:

    I am expecting our second baby this fall, and really failed with sleep training with our first, my son. This would help me get on the right track with #2!

  24. Liz says:

    I’m expecting my first baby (girl) in June so I’m sure I’ll be able to put it to good use 🙂

  25. Rachel G says:

    This would be so useful for our little boy who is due to arrive in September!

  26. Tessa C says:

    My son is still swaddled but fights it like crazy! He’s 3.5 months old so if I win this, maybe it can help. I hope so, because we are lucky if we get one 4 hr stretch a night.

  27. Deanna says:

    my good friend is pregnant with her second, and I’m sure she would love this!

  28. Liesal says:

    I like the post on Facebook!

  29. Emma says:

    One of my oldest friends is pregnant – her baby boy is due late May and this would be perfect!

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