May 16, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy


I woke up this morning to some cramping and bleeding. A visit to the doctor showed that BebeDeux is doing fine and that my cervix is still closed, but I have been diagnosed with marginal placenta previa which may have caused the bleeding. Nonetheless, I have been put on bedrest for a few days.

Needless to say, I’m pretty scared. I know that tons of women experience bleeding in their pregnancies and go on to have healthy babies. I also know that placenta previa diagnosed before the 20th week gives the placenta plenty of time to move up in the uterus before going into labor.

But I also have friends who have lost babies well into their 2nd trimesters, as well as those who were put on bedrest for months due to placenta previa.

Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers…

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28 Responses to “Bedrest”

  1. busylizzy says:

    Oh no – thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Do you have someone to take care of little C?

  2. Jane Chun says:

    I will def keep you and your fam in my prayers. Hang in there Jenny!

  3. You, BebeDeux and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! ((HUGS))

  4. Anna says:

    You’ll be in my prayers.

  5. Teyah says:

    Some Native American prayers coming your way…

  6. LatteLove says:

    oh no Jenny! Thinking of you and praying that the bedrest heals things up within a few days and the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly!

  7. Ang says:

    Prayed for you just now.

  8. Carol says:

    omg!! Definitely lift a prayer for you…. hope all is OK on the inside!

  9. Courtney says:

    Praying for you.

  10. Sandy says:

    Sending all sorts of positive energy your way! And prayers too…they always help ease my mind. Good luck!

  11. Emma says:

    Oh no! Praying and thinking of you. Get plenty rest!! I hope everything will be OK with BebeDeux.

  12. Carly says:

    Thinking of you and your family, Jenny.

  13. kelsey says:

    Jenny, I’m thinking of you and your family.

  14. Momfish says:

    Thinking of you. You have had some serious rough times and shown your resilience through them all so far. My prayers are with you & your family – I know this must be stressful physically, emotionally, and mentally. Hang in there, Mama… we’ve all got you on our minds!

  15. Annie says:

    *HUGS* Love you Jenny, be strong and stay in bed! I’ll be there tomorrow!

  16. janie says:

    only the very best thoughts for you and your family! 🙂

  17. Amanda says:

    I’m so sorry! I’ll be thinking of you.

  18. Jennifer Y says:

    So sorry to hear that, but you and baby deux are in my prayers!

  19. Ann says:

    So sorry to hear this!!!! You and your family are in my prayers!
    Stay Strong for you and Baby Deux!!!

  20. Sarah S says:

    Praying for you!

  21. Cyndi says:

    Sorry to hear this Jenny..I too had a low lying placenta with Ainsley which was discovered at 19 weeks b/c i started having contractions! The peri put me on modified bedrest for a week and a half and the placenta moved and i stopped having contractions!

    Hope it goes away just as smoothly for you! Prayers said!

  22. Christine says:

    best wishes to you on this pregnancy. i hope it’s smooth sailing from here. enjoy bedrest. i was put on bedrest at 7 months and didn’t listen to my doc. i went into pre-term labor. bedrest means just that… stay in bed and don’t get up for anything (except bathroom).

  23. Lots of prayer coming your way, Jenny. You take it easy and relax as much as you can. Have faith!

  24. Mina says:

    i’ll be thinking of you. rest well, i am sending thoughts of good health and strength to both you and the baby.

  25. Wishing you the best, Jenny. I had a placenta previa as well (it was one of the many things that had me on bed rest for that pregnancy), but by the time I delivered, it was fine. It usually does that – my specialist said it was like drawing a dot on a deflated balloon – the more you inflate the balloon, the higher the dot goes. Also, I am so impatient and antsy, and I survived 33 weeks of bedrest. If *I* did it, know you can do it, too. *hugs*

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