Sep 7, 2011  •  In Funny, Geek

First English Words

I love this, because it’s soooo true.

Fact: when my family first moved to the U.S., our parents actually encouraged my sister and I to watch TV so that we would be more immersed in our second (and very foreign) language. I am happy to report that Jem, Thundercats, and He-Man were my best, and favorite ESL teachers. 😛


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7 Responses to “First English Words”

  1. Ah, such memories – loved those shows growing up. She-Ra too! 🙂

  2. Brooke says:

    Thundercats, thundercats, thundercats, HOOOOOOOOO! Oh, goodness, great memories! Loved me some Cartoon Network, though Sailor Moon was a hands-down favorite

  3. Annie says:

    I loved Jem! I had the dolls, the wigs (yes jessica and Jem’s) and had their clothes hahaha. Well, not official clothes but i ripped up t-shirts to make the pink and blue and white dresses. Sigh. I miss cartoons back then!

  4. Ashley says:

    I love this! How funny.

    I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Read about it here:

  5. Marguerite says:

    I discovered your blog a few weeks ago thanks my friend and I haven’t left it since.
    LOVE it. In your own way you are able to say the truth having good manners and class. I think that is what “ironic” style is.
    One of my favourite blog, keep it up. 🙂

    Anyway you reminded me of my first nintendo when I was 9! And now I want it back so I’m trying to buy it on ebay ahah.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 😉

  6. Hahahaha!! I love this!! I learned some of my German from cartoons and video games while I lived there. I also practiced spanish by watching Harry Potter in spanish with english subtitles.

  7. Lauren says:

    Love that! Thundercats was one of my favorite cartoons growing up.

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