Nov 1, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Introducing Aerin Isabel…

Aerin Isabel was born 11/1/11 at 9:20am, weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and measuring 19.5″ long.

Delivery was remarkably easy and complication-free (she was out in three pushes!); the baby very healthy and alert. I feel incredibly blessed that both Claire and Aerin made their entries into this world so smoothly.

My first thought upon seeing Aerin for the first time was that she looked EXACTLY like Claire when she was born — they even have the same dimple on the left corner of their mouths! But now, a few hours after delivery — with her features becoming more defined and less flattened — she is beginning to resemble her dad.



The pictures above were taken just moments after birth. I will try to update with newer photos, but blogging is admittedly difficult on a cell phone. As was the case last year when Claire was born, guest posts will start to go up shortly, and I will do my best to pop in as much as possible in-between bonding with Aerin and getting used to being the mother of two little girls.

Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayers!

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91 Responses to “Introducing Aerin Isabel…”

  1. Ann says:

    Congratulations to you and your whole family!!!!I love her name…Aerin…that is beautiful – she is absolutely beautiful!! I am glad your labor went so smoothly!

  2. Di says:

    Congrats to the whole family!

  3. Mary says:

    Congratulations! Here’s to a fast and easy recovery!

  4. Lauren says:

    Congrats!!! That is such a beautiful name and beautiful little girl!

  5. ally l says:

    congrats! beautiful name!

  6. Kira says:

    Yay! Congratulations!

  7. alycia says:

    congrats! and i am sure you are super happy with the birthdate.

    She looks adorable- and such a beautiful name! 🙂

  8. Congrats! She’s gorgeous!!!

  9. Courtney says:

    Congratulations! A beautiful name for a beautiful baby!

  10. Suzy says:

    Congrats to the happy family!

  11. Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you and your whole family!

  12. Bookish Bella says:

    Congratulations! She’s absolutely precious. I’m glad to hear it went smoothly.

  13. Meagan says:

    Congratulations! She’s gorgeous and I love the name!

  14. Cindie says:

    Congratulations! She’s absolutely beautiful! Hope mommy and baby are doing well. Love her name!

  15. Terri says:

    Congratulations!! Welcome to the world, Aerin!

  16. Lindsey says:

    Congratulations! She’s beautiful!

  17. Rachael says:

    Congratulations! And you got her an awesome birthday – 11/1/11! Glad it went so well, and I can’t wait for more pics.

  18. Lauren says:


  19. Emma says:

    Congratulations!! And such a beautiful name =) I wish you all the best!

  20. Sisifo says:

    Oh my gads, she is GORGEOUS! And I love that her name is unique, but you didn’t have to name her something outrageous. Congrats!

  21. Donna says:

    Congrats! Our girls are two weeks apart – can’t wait for them to have a playdate 🙂

  22. Eileen says:

    congratulations Jenny!! She is beautiful!

  23. Congratulations, Jenny! What a lovely little one!

  24. Huge congrats! So awesome that it was an easy delivery to boot!!!!

  25. Annie says:

    Congrats Jenny!!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you guys and cant wait to meet my little niece!!

  26. kelsey says:

    congrats on such a sweet, precious girl!! I’m glad it all went so well.

  27. Gloria says:

    Congrats on the speedy delivery and the healthy new baby girl 🙂

  28. cindy says:

    Congrats, love the name!

  29. Brooke says:

    Yay yay yay!! She’s adorable. So glad it all went well!

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