Oct 29, 2011  •  In Aerin, NYC, Personal, Pregnancy

Snowtober 2011

This is the scene outside our window right now:

They say that we should be expecting up to 5 inches of snow tonight.

With just a few days to go until my due date, I am a tad bit worried, to say the least.

I know five women whose due dates were within a week of mine — three of whose due dates were after mine — and they have all given birth already.

I have also been getting a bunch of broken nails in the past couple of days. And I distinctively remember my nails becoming more brittle and fragile the week before giving birth to Claire last year. (Was this a sign of impending labor for any other ladies?)

There’s also the fact that practically all the major events in my life are accompanied by bad weather. (There were severe thunderstorms the day Claire was born too.) And looking at the 5-day forecast, I do not see any additional rain or snow headed our way.

I have also been craving spicy food like crazy…

Will BebeDeux be an October baby or a November baby? Anyone care to guess?

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5 Responses to “Snowtober 2011”

  1. Lindsey says:

    Wow, the weather on the East Coast certainly has been crazy this year! I’m crossing my fingers you get your 11/1/11 birthday, but October is my favorite month of the year, so I don’t think it would be ALL that bad if you went into labor soon 🙂

  2. Adam says:

    November! I was a November baby.

  3. kelsey says:

    I cannot believe that it is already snowing there! It is still in the 70’s here. That’s interesting about the nails breaking too, I’ll have to pay attention to that when it’s near my due date.

  4. I can see BabyDeux being a Halloween Baby. But I’m sure because of your personality it will be 11/1/11

  5. Annie says:

    I hope it stopped snowing there and hoping bebedeux comes on the date you want her! Miss you!

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