Nov 15, 2010  •  In Claire, Cute, Funny

Crotch-Punching Cloudy

Last night J and I decided to dress Claire in her take-home outfit to see how it would fit her now, at 6 weeks old. (She was positively swimming in it when we brought her home from the hospital, as even premie clothes were too large on her for the first week of her life.)

No surprises there — the shirt now fits her a bit too snugly.

We kept the outfit on for her nightly picture with Cloudy. J even snapped a picture with his phone and immediately uploaded it to Facebook, only to receive the following question from a friend:

“Is she crotch punching Cloudy?”

We immediately took another look at the picture in question, and sure enough, there it was…


My baby looks like she’s inappropriately touching poor Cloudy the bear!

I decided then and there that this picture is a keeper. It will comes in great for future blackmailing opportunities, no?

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10 Responses to “Crotch-Punching Cloudy”

  1. annie says:

    LOL!!!!!! I totally want to frame this picture 🙂 I think I actually might. 😀

    Hope you guys don't mind me coming over today w/the parents. I miss little Claire so much. 🙂 xo

  2. Such a funny picture, she looks like she's thinking "what?!?" I love her outfit, she's such a cutie.

  3. Aww! Hahaha, that's adorable and hilarious, all at the same time! So cute!

  4. Pam says:

    awww so cute…she's like, "wasn't me"

  5. Mina says:

    she's so clever!!

  6. Love her expression!! What a cutie 🙂

  7. LHR says:

    so cute. and she's totally nailing the innocent expression. 😉

  8. Heather says:

    hahahaha that is hilarious! And I think you rock for wanting to keep it for future blackmail. 🙂

  9. Catherine says:

    I love this picture. I think it would make a good New Year's card. 🙂

  10. Emma says:

    This makes me giggle every time I see it. And the face plant picture. She’s just too cute for words! Love her little outfit too!

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