Jun 3, 2010  •  In Information, NYC

What if it were MY home?

If It Was My Home is a simple website that overlays the BP oil spill over any location on earth. Its default setting centers in on your location based on your IP address, so the devastation really hits home.

I see, read, and hear about the tragic spill every day but never quite realized the immensity of its spread until now. It’s scary knowing that the area it covers is now bigger than some U.S. states.

Via Flowing Data.

P.S. — Not to make light of the situation, but does anyone else think the spread of the oil looks like Yoshi?

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5 Responses to “What if it were MY home?”

  1. Tiffany says:

    This is actually a really thoughtful thing. That said, it does look a little like Yoshi…with the silhouette of a mermaid inside!

  2. M & C says:

    It does look like Yoshi! Here’s what I don’t get, if people can put a man on the moon in a space station and fix holes up there, why can’t they plug a hole? I think BP should subcontract that work out to NASA or something. They need the money and I bet they are smart enough to figure it out.

  3. M & C says:

    It does look like Yoshi! Here’s what I don’t get, if people can put a man on the moon in a space station and fix holes up there, why can’t they plug a hole? I think BP should subcontract that work out to NASA or something. They need the money and I bet they are smart enough to figure it out.

  4. Geek in Heels says:

    @M & C — I’ve been pondering the same thing myself. I guess that’s why people are joking about hiring Hollywood bignames (or borrowing ideas from movies) to plug the hole. For what it’s worth, I think subcontracting the work to NASA is a GREAT idea.

  5. violarulz says:

    wow, it covers 1/2 of Colorado…. But it doesn’t look like yoshi today, it’s more like Casper the ghost now 🙁 I wish that there were a magical way to stop it and clean it all up sooner, rather than later.

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