Jun 23, 2014  •  In Books, Entertainment, Funny, Geek, Infographics, Personal, Sports

3 Flowcharts [Sleep, GoT, and World Cup Edition]

My head is a royal mess right now. Packing. Cleaning. Making sure the girls don’t kill each other. Laundry. My 15th rendition of “Do-Re-Mi” (C&A’s favorite song at the moment) today. More cleaning (because I can’t leave for a trip without cleaning first).

In case you have more free time than me today, here are three flowcharts you may enjoy…

This first flowchart/quiz, brought to you by Simmons, is titled “Is Your Sleep Personality Messing With You?”. And just as I expected, I am an “Plugged ‘In’somniac.” I know that I should cut down on screentime before bed, but it’s hard when it’s the only uninterrupted free time I have to goof off online, and to catch up TV shows and movies. 😛

Via Design Milk.

The next flowchart comes courtesy of the comics over at Dorkly, and simply predicts whether you would survive in the world of Game of Thrones. I would stay alive — would you?


The last chart is useful for non-soccer fans like myself. J was livid and depressed that his beloved England team was kicked out after the first round, but I could care less. Are you following the World Cup? Who are you rooting for?

Via imgur.

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3 Responses to “3 Flowcharts [Sleep, GoT, and World Cup Edition]”

  1. Ken says:

    I’m rooting for the US to win the World Cup. But I have to admit… after reading this flowchart I have become a closet Argentina/Germany fan, too. 😉

  2. greenellephant says:

    LOL, says I should root for USA, but I followed the chart to see what it would take to root for Korea… I do own a Samsung Galaxy. haha. I miss GoT! Can’t wait for it to return! And you to post some pics from Korea!! Miss that place

  3. Shari says:

    Wow! Uruguay really did just bite someone!

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