Nov 16, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting

Breast Fest 2010 Postponed

Unfortunately, J and I have decided to postpone Breast Fest (that’s my name for my 24-hour, breast-only, no-bottles-allowed marathon) a week or two.

We have always known that Claire has a “witching hour” — a period at night where a baby is extra fussy and cranky — but it has progressed to full-blown colic over the weekend. The past few nights have been hell. None of our usual tricks seem to work, and as soon as she seems to have calmed down, she will start screaming again once we relax.

Her fussiness has considerably gotten worse during the daytime too.

(And before you give any suggestions, please know that yes, we probably have tried it already. We have tried everything that friends have suggested, or read about in books and websites. And no, Claire does not have any medical problems. We can only deduce that it is colic, and that we will need to wait it out.)

They say that fussiness usually peaks at 6 weeks, and since Claire is currently 6 weeks old we are thinking that holding Breast Fest this week, when she is especially cranky and uncooperative, may not be the best idea.

I am praying that the colic will not last too long, and that it will not get any worse than this.

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7 Responses to “Breast Fest 2010 Postponed”

  1. Eek565 says:

    aw, look at that furrowed brow.

  2. She looks appropriately annoyed at you in that photo. 🙂

  3. Heather says:

    I'm so sorry, I know you must be incredibly frutrated and on your last nerve. I'm sending you all the good thoughts I can right now. I know you don't want suggestions, and I'm not a mom so I can only imagine, but I have heard really great things about chiropractic adjustments in colicy babies. Good luck, I'll be thinking about you.

  4. Matt says:

    Fortunately, there is a sure-fire method of dealing with colic. Congratulate yourself on being normal, and realize that, much like the cannibal's mother-in-law, this too shall pass.

    Some thing works for a cold.

  5. Ashlee says:

    I'm sorry that this has been such a difficult first fewweeks for you. It does get better, I assure you!

    My DD had reflux and then colic for the first 10-12 weeks of her life. Crying constantly, sleeping very little and even when we went to the physio, paediatrician and OT, but nothing was helping. My parents and I took shifts at night to settle the crying babe. Some days she only cried for an accumulated 6 hours (we kept a diary), othertimes she cried non-stop for 8 hours, even at the breast and whimpered during sleeping. From 10 weeks, it seemed that her gut was more mature, she was bigger and healthier and was a more efficient latcher and sucker, she started drinking better, sleeping more and crying less! We still had hiccups over the following weeks, but it was vastly different to those first few weeks.

    It's so hard being a new mum, the hormones, the sleeplessness, the establishing feeding, the isolation, the wanting to be the "perfect" mum. It's hard… but by the time your babe is 12 weeks old you'll shopefully be saying "I love this".

    You're doing your best, and you will get there. You are in my thoughts.

  6. Pam says:

    ugh the witching hour, made me want to cry listening to the nonstop crying. WHY??!! yup, it does get better so hang in there. at nearly 4 months, my girl is a happier baby, but she still has her witching hour moments but maybe not as long.

  7. Deanna says:

    Thinking about you and Claire and hoping things get better for you both. You're doing a fabulous job, and Claire is so lucky to have you as a mommy 🙂

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