Nov 1, 2013  •  In Aerin, Personal

Happy Birthday, Aerin!

As of 9:20am today, our Aerin Isabel turns 2 years old.


When I updated our speech therapist on the status of Aerin’s hearing — that she is, indeed, still hearing impaired and will need tubes placed in her ears — the reaction was one of pure shock. “Just judging by the tremendous progress she has made in the short time we’ve been together, I would have never guessed that she still has trouble hearing. What a trooper!”

Aerin is, without a doubt, a trooper for having endured such a large portion of the past year with an impediment. For not letting that get in the way of her adventurous ways. For refusing to live in the shadows, and trying ever the harder to learn and speak and be heard.

Sure, she is still shy and withdrawn around strangers. Yes, she can be quite the stubborn little booger and her tantrums the stuff of legends. But beneath all that is an intelligent and passionate little girl who just exudes love and joy.

In other words, I can’t wait to get to know her better. 🙂

Happy birthday, my sweets. I love you more than words can say.


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6 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Aerin!”

  1. Happy Birthday Aerin! What a cutie. 🙂

  2. Helene says:

    happy birthday to the lovely little trooper, soldier on~

  3. Jason says:

    She really looks like a Precious Moments character. Too cute.
    Happy birthday to her!

  4. LatteLove says:

    Happy birthday, sweet girl! (Can’t believe how grown up she looks.)

  5. Prince Shawn says:

    I hope she had a wonderful day!

  6. suemey says:

    Hi, I found your blog by pure chance and I wanted to say that Aerin is awesome and she will continue to prove to you how perfectly normal she is. My husband is completely deaf since age 7. He used to play the piano and sing along with his musical family, one day he fell from his bike and the next day he woke up deaf.

    His mother went to every doctor possible and nobody was able to find what was wring with him, his ears were normal so it was something in the brain. One doctor even said to her that he was imagining everything.

    Well, she did not wanted to be more isolated and choose a speech terapist so he would have a chance to continue speaking, he never learned sign language and well, he speaks perfectly and reads lips. He has a slight accent, he went to the university and now works as an art director at an ad agency. We are from Costa Rica, he lived in Israel by himself for a year and learned to read and write in english all by himself.

    So you don’t have to worry about your baby.

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