Aug 8, 2011  •  In Funny, Personal, Relationships

Home Is… [TMI]

So true.

(via Reddit)

On a related note, I have trouble pooping when I am away from home. Seriously. For example, I pooped once during our 10-day honeymoon. I thought I was going to die. Does anyone else have this problem?

Also, I believe that having two full bathrooms is a HUGE contributing factor to my happy marriage. 🙂

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20 Responses to “Home Is… [TMI]”

  1. Bonnie Joy says:

    I totally have the same problem. My body obviously agrees with me that change is scary.

  2. Stephanie says:

    Same problem here. Totally sucks!

  3. T says:

    can I suggest you NEVER go to China. 🙂

  4. janieishme says:

    This is why the boyfriend and I never take trips that last longer than 2 days. Well, he thinks it’s because we’re on a budget. I know better.

  5. stacey says:

    YES! Oh man, totally have the same problem. So glad I’m not alone!

  6. I have the same exact problem. It’s very uncomfortable. 🙁

  7. Carmen says:

    OMG! I’m so glad other people have the same problem! I try to take an extra big poop before I leave on trips, but that doesn’t always work. By the end of any trip longer than 2 or 3 days, I’m totally miserable and my belly is all distended. Ugh. Anyone have any solutions?

  8. Elizabeth says:

    I’m glad I am not the only one that deals with this problem. It sucks! Thanks for having the guts to admit it on your blog.

  9. Courtney says:

    Haha! I cannot relate. I do what I gotta do, when I gotta do it.

  10. Kristin says:

    YES! There’s a term for it…vacation constipation… My sister in law and I both suffer from this and got so much flack from our husbands (brothers) about it on our latest vacation together!

  11. Mary says:

    this definitely applies to the husband. he hates doing business in public bathrooms and he even has a difficult time at my parents.

    every morning he does his business at home and sometimes he interrupts my showers for number two! we only have one bathroom and it’s so annoying when he does that!

    when we by a house, we’ll need at least 1.5 bathroom!

  12. Haha, I do think that it’s a very common issue, and also the fact that when you’re traveling, you’re not eating the same way, contributes to that.
    And yay to multiple bathrooms!

  13. Dave says:

    I thought it was because girls don’t poop at all. That’s why long trips are the way they are and why my past gfs have gotten angry around Day 3. I thought it was all my fault.

  14. As long as I have a single-stall bathroom, I’m good. But the multi-stall bathrooms, especially in airports, aren’t so good. I can still do it if I need to, but it’s uncomfortable.

    Funny story: when we visit my in-laws (once a month, maybe?) we stay downstairs in the basement. They have 1 bathroom down there, 1 bathroom in the upstairs hallway, and 1 bathroom connected to the master bedroom. MANY TIMES we’ve come back from shopping and found my FIL coming back up the stairs… having gone DOWNSTAIRS to poop. I guess he doesn’t want to do it next to his bedroom or something….? Either way, then WE have the poopy bathroom. Nothing some room spray doesn’t fix, but STILL.

  15. Tara says:

    Lol..I can understand how frustrating it is to not have regular bowel movements while away from home.

    I travel quite frequently, both personal and business, and what I do is pack some fiber-rich foods that travel well. Things like nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts, etc.), whole wheat bread, Kashi Autumn Wheat whole grain cereal, and maybe some fiber-rich cookies (the Kashi Soft baked Oatmeal Dark Chocolate cookies work well). They don’t require any refrigeration and can pack easily in your purse or backpack if you’re going on a plane. Add that to drinking a lot of water to keep things moving and that normally does the trick!

    Despite whatever else I eat during my trip (carbs, protein, fats), as long as I have these basics, it keeps things regular while I’m away. 🙂

  16. David Q says:


    1) Kellogs Bran Buds. Highest fiber cereal, and crunchy and tasty. I have a bowl and breakfast and at the end of the day. Get at large grocery stores.

    2) Digestive enzyme capsule with each meal. You can get these at health food and large grocery stores.

    3) Hot liquid with breakfast, such as coffee.

  17. Pam says:

    I’m a wee bit older that most of you {I’m guessing} so I’ve tried fiber, digestive enzymes and the like. What works for me is Miralax or CostCo’s brand Laxaclear. Just make sure you’re drinking enough water. Works like a charm and less jarring than teas like Smooth Move or Get Regular. No joke!

  18. Liesal says:

    So true! I work from home, so when I go on vacation, my schedule gets all kinds of messed up! 🙂

  19. Sonia says:

    LOL Yup, both DH, DD and I have issues with going #2 anywhere outside of home. We call it anxiety poo. The problem seems to disappear the second we step into our house and all three of us run to the washrooms. 😉

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