Jan 23, 2011  •  In Claire, Cute, Gadgets, Wishlist

Laughing Baby

We’re not exactly sure why Claire was in such a good mood today (if only she were like this every day!), but we didn’t dare jinx it by even questioning why. We took it all in stride, enjoying every last minute, and when she went into a 3- minute long laughing frenzy, J scrambled for his phone to record a short video.

The quality isn’t great — there is some lagging, and the lighting is horrible — but we hope you enjoy it! (Because we sure can’t stop watching it!)

When we were preparing our baby registry, a friend suggested that we add a Flip video camera (or something similar) to the list — “There are so many moments that can only be captured on video,” she said. We did not heed this advice and I am regretting it to this day. I know that our phones can record video, but the quality is pretty bad especially because the lighting in our condo is pretty dim.

For this reason, I have added a Flip UltraHD to the top of my “save money for” list and wholly recommend that all expectant mothers add a small video camera to their registries if they don’t already own one!

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11 Responses to “Laughing Baby”

  1. Annie says:

    HOW ADORABLE!!!!!! AHHHH! I can’t wait to see her laugh in person 🙂

  2. mina says:

    she’s like a little laughing dumpling. so cute. so very very cute.

  3. Amy says:

    OMG…that’s adorable!

  4. Megan says:

    I love the laugh, she’s so cute! We have the Flip Ultra HD and really like it – very convenient and quick to use, and with a baby I’m sure you have lots of stuff to record! We, on the other hand, should probably stop taking videos of our cats. 🙂

  5. Charmi says:

    She is adorable! I’ve been wanting a flip for a while too – weirdly they used to sell them at Avon for only $89, and I found it again at newegg (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16830246068). Only 60 minutes but not bad 🙂

  6. We have the Flip HD and I marvel at how much I use my Iphone instead since it is ALWAYS in my back pocket (although, not recently since Little G now knows it is there and requests it incessantly…

  7. How adorable! This just brightened up my day 🙂

  8. Heather says:

    That could be the cutest sound in the whole world. Adorable!

  9. Carlene says:

    soooooooooo stinkin’ cute! <3

  10. But would the quality be better than on my camera?? I have video on my cam..

    • I guess it depends on your camera. But I like to think that generally, a dedicated video camera will be better quality than a digital camera with a video function. We have video on our digital camera (and it shoots in HD), but it’s too bulky to use for everyday movies, especially when there’s a baby involved and you want something quick and simple.

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