Nov 29, 2012  •  In Books, Funny, Geek, Information, Personal, Web

Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine!

You guys, I discovered the best thing today… A Calvin and Hobbes search engine!!! Calvin and Hobbes remains my favorite comic strip despite the fact that it is no longer published. And as I have written in the past, one of my all-time favorite gifts from J is the Calvin and Hobbes Boxed Set. I can’t […]

Nov 25, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Books, Geek, Infographics

A Visual Timeline of the Future (As Per Famous Novels)

Books and infographics. How could I resist? Designed by Italian artist Giorgia Lupi, this timeline of future events as predicted by famous novels was originally published in the Sunday supplement of Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera. She generously created an English version for the site Brain Pickings, and I can’t help but be mesmerized! The resulting visualization is predictably HUGE, […]

Nov 5, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Baby, Books, Cute, Geek, Parenting

Eric Carle’s “A Game of Thrones”

Here’s one for all the Game of Thrones fans who also happen to be parents. Because, “if Westeros had a picture book to teach preschoolers the house sigils and words, Eric Carle would write and illustrate it.” 🙂 Via Something Worth Having. You may also like: Goodnight Dune “Darth Vader and Son” Cool Tool Tuesdays: The […]

Aug 25, 2012  •  In Books, Funny, Geek

How Lord Voldemort Got His Name

So. Many. Dildos.   Via I Waste So Much Time. P.S. — Is anyone else as excited as me for J.K. Rowling’s first adult novel, The Casual Vacancy? I’ve already pre-ordered my copy! You may also like: Imaginary Book Covers for Harry Potter’s Middle-Aged Life 3 Flowcharts [Sleep, GoT, and World Cup Edition] Once Upon […]

Jul 12, 2012  •  In Books, Funny, Geek

Game of Thrones for Math Nerds [LOL]

J is OBSESSED with the Game of Thrones books. Because he has them on his tablet and I prefer physical books over e-books, he bought me the boxed set and asks me EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, “What part are you at now???” I’m still pretty early in the series, but I have read enough (and heard enough!) to […]

May 24, 2012  •  In Books, Geek

Disney Characters as Hunger Games Contestants

My vote is on Shang and Mulan to win. Who would you pick? Via 9GAG. P.S. — I know I’m about 2 months late on this, but I absolutely LOVED The Hunger Games movie. I honestly believe it was the best book-to-movie adaptation I have ever seen. I can’t wait until Catching Fire and Mockingjay are released in […]