Jun 3, 2011  •  In Aerin, Parenting, Personal, Pregnancy

It’s a…

Girl! …but we’re not certain. BebeDeux was moving around so much that the doc had a hard time getting a good look at the goods. He thinks it’s a girl, but he says he wouldn’t bet on it. We’ll just have to wait until the 14th to find out for sure. (Sigh.) I know that […]

Jun 2, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Personal, Pregnancy

Let the Guessing Begin!

I am now 18 weeks pregnant with BebeDeux. Since babies’ genitalia start to become distinguishable via ultrasound starting at 16 weeks, you know what that means… It’s time to start the gender-guessing game! I waited until today to post this, because I have an OB appointment tomorrow morning. If BebeDeux cooperates, we will be able […]

May 16, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy


I woke up this morning to some cramping and bleeding. A visit to the doctor showed that BebeDeux is doing fine and that my cervix is still closed, but I have been diagnosed with marginal placenta previa which may have caused the bleeding. Nonetheless, I have been put on bedrest for a few days. Needless […]

Apr 26, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy, Science

The Gender Guessing Game

It is no secret that I would prefer BebeDeux to be a boy. If so we’d have one of each and we’d be done! Be that as it may, I wouldn’t be upset if BebeDeux turns out to be a girl. After all, dontcha know that two girls are the best? 😉 We were excited […]

Apr 20, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Introducing BebeDeux

Faithful readers would know that I’ve been having some health problems as of late. They would also recall that I had promised to describe these problems in further detail… Well, the secret’s out of the bag. I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with Claire’s little sister or brother! I know the first question that pops […]

Mar 18, 2011  •  In Aerin, Baby, Comang, Personal, Pregnancy

A Much-Deserved BebeDeux Update

I feel bad that I haven’t been blogging about this pregnancy. I guess I’ve fallen victim to the typical parent trap of documenting every step of the first kid and not doing much for the second. And for that, I apologize, BebeDeux. There are three things I want to say with this update: (1) I […]

Feb 24, 2011  •  In Aerin, Personal, Pregnancy

An Unexpected Surprise

I have been especially exhausted and cranky as of late. I just chalked it off to the side effects of sleep-training Claire — I was stressed out and mentally drained. Then last week, I felt it. Nausea. Once again I brushed it off as a consequence of exhaustion. But it didn’t go away. And on […]

Jan 19, 2011  •  In Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Conception Date

Last week I was talking to a friend about her efforts to get pregnant. When she mentioned that she might start taking her basal body temperature, I strongly urged her to sign up for a Fertility Friend account. After all, I myself had gotten pregnant with the help of Fertility Friend (and got to know […]

Oct 27, 2010  •  In Baby, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

The Birth Story, Part 3

Read Part 1 and Part 2… I’ve decided to go a slightly different direction for this final post in Claire’s Birth Story series: a timeline with descriptions. I’m so glad that I wrote down the times and details when it was still fresh in my mind, because I can hardly remember any specifics now! 10:00am — Admitted […]