Apr 20, 2011  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal, Pregnancy

Introducing BebeDeux

Faithful readers would know that I’ve been having some health problems as of late. They would also recall that I had promised to describe these problems in further detail…

Well, the secret’s out of the bag.

I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with Claire’s little sister or brother!

I know the first question that pops into practically everyone’s mind is: were we trying? And the answer to that is no. And I wouldn’t be lying if I were to say that there were moments — there are still moments — when I feel completely overwhelmed and scared. But we believe this pregnancy to be just as much of a blessing as Claire, and are happy to be expanding our little family.

We had our NT scan today and everything looks perfect. BebeDeux (my nickname for the little tyke)’s heartbeat was strong and steady at 172 bpm, and I couldn’t help but be reminded of how Claire looked at her NT scan. However, this pregnancy seems to have brought me more nausea, fatigue, and other unfavorable symptoms (such as insomnia and migraines) than my pregnancy with Claire and I’ve been really hurting as a result. Fortunately, I have wonderful people in my life — such as J, my SIL, and my mother — who have been graciously donating their time and energy in helping me take care of Claire in my fragile state.

Incidentally, BebeDeux’s due date (November 3, 2011) is exactly 13 months from what was Claire’s due date. So if he/she decides to show up a few days early like Claire did, we could very well end up with a Halloween baby!

(Personally, I am hoping for 11/1/11, 11/10/11, or 11/11/11 because then the baby’s birthday would be a binary number!)

I know that the next few years will be quite a rollercoaster as I’m sure that other mothers of “2 under 2” can agree. I would greatly appreciate your prayers and support as we embark on this next chapter of our lives!

P.S. — I have blogged about this pregnancy but have only written a couple of (private) posts thus far. I have since made them public, and if you wish you can view them — in addition to all future posts regarding BebeDeux — at https://www.geekinheels.com/category/bebedeux

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64 Responses to “Introducing BebeDeux”

  1. Scribbles says:

    That’s so fantastic – and I completely agree with what you stated earlier. God has faith that you will be a great mum, he never gives us something that we can’t handle!

  2. Meredith says:

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I’ve clearly become emotionally attached. I’m so excited for you 3. Claire is going to be a great big sister!!

  3. Jennifer Young says:


  4. Carlene says:


  5. Fannie C says:

    Congrats! Wish you good health and happiness!

  6. mareepossa says:

    Oh wow! Congratulations. Children are a huge blessing, and I’m sure Claire will so excited to have a younger sibling to play with. I pray God gives you the strength you need to carry this pregnancy through safely. He has blessed you with family to help so you’ll do just fine.

  7. Sarah S says:

    Congrats! I hope your pregnancy woes get better soon.

  8. TwentyFiveFifty says:


  9. Jen says:

    Congrats! What great news!

  10. Nicole says:

    Awe, congratulations to you and your family! 🙂

  11. Jennifer says:

    I’m so happy for you. Congratulations =)

  12. AmandaT says:

    Holy crap! Wow! Congrats! Umm… wow! My mind boggles, but I’m sure never so much as yours. We’re all here cheerleading for you!

  13. Palila says:

    Whoa! Congratulations!

  14. Vanessa says:

    Congrats! The best things in life are unplanned!

  15. Momfish says:

    Welcome to the club 😉 I’m thinking of you and praying for you. It’s very, very hard being pregnant while taking care of a little one. I know you can do it and I know you’ll make it out just fine. Hang in there, Mama. <3

  16. Emma says:

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and J! Can’t wait to read all about it and I hope the nausea subsides soon =)

  17. How incredibly scare and exciting at the same time!!!!!! I know that being a mom so far has had its fair share of trials for you, but I hope that the REASON it was difficult at first was that you were being prepared to be a mom of two. 🙂 You guys seem like awesome parents and I’m sure this will be amazing. And I’m hoping for the binary birthday.

  18. Molly P says:

    Congrats and welcome to the two under two club. I will admit that the first six months with both were, um, HELL (no such thing as a nap, ever), but now that we have passed that craziness, things have gotten better and better. As was told me, the tunnel is darker, but shorter. Now my two (eighteen months apart) look like they’re going to be great friends.

  19. Molly P says:

    PS My first baby had colic and I went through much of what you experienced. But baby number two? A breeze! Every baby is different!

  20. Fiona says:

    OHMYGOSH CONGRATULATIONS! I obviously really love your blog because I gasped and yelled that out loud lol I’m hoping you have an easy, healthy pregnancy, especially with summer on the way.

  21. OMG!! Congratulations! I’m so happy for y’all!!

  22. busylizzy says:

    OMG, congrats! WOW! Never saw that coming.

  23. Angela says:

    CONGRATS on your new addition!!! I’ve been following/stalking your blog since before Claire, and this is my first comment. Just want to say I love your blog… I love your candidness and raw honesty about motherhood, life, and everything in-between. Definitely my favorite mommy blog on the web. 🙂

  24. anks says:

    Congratulations!!! And all the best! hope you have an uneventful pregnancy and Claire enjoys her little sibling…. 🙂

  25. Carla says:

    That is such wonderful news! Congratulations!

    My sister and I are 359 days apart – and in my opinion such a close age difference tends to work out much better than the bigger ones.

    Good luck with the pregnancy and God bless!

  26. Maria says:

    Wow, I wish you all the best for your pregnancy. Congratulations!

  27. Cyndi says:

    First, Congrats!

    Second, (and i mean this is the nicest possible way) better you then me! LOL Seriously, people have twins and triplets all the time so it is completely doable! It’s a shame i don’t live closer since i have experience with juggling multiple kids at once (my sister has triplets)

    God Bless Jenny! H&H 9 months!

  28. Vee says:

    Oooh congratulations!!! I’m pulling for an 11/1 delivery – my birthday =P Hope you start feeling better soon.

  29. Liz says:

    Congratulations to your family! Hope you start feeling better soon, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a binary birth date 😉

  30. Kathryn says:

    Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while and am amazed by your family – I keep telling people about you teaching Claire 3+ languages. If you’re still doing this, I wonder…which language will your babies talk to each other in when they’re both old enough?

    I’m happy to hear that the baby is healthy, and I sure do hope that you start feeling better soon.

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