Jul 7, 2010  •  In Comang, Personal

A Gravel, and Snip Snip

Great news — Comang is okay! The vet found an object lodged in his front left paw, something that J and I had earlier dismissed as being part of the paw. The doc got it out with a clamp and the object looked to be a very sharp piece of gravel. There was some bleeding, but after cleansing and treating the wound Comang was as good as new.

Comang looked sooo much happier within just seconds of dislodging the gravel that I knew this had to be the culprit. 15 minutes later, he was running again and acting his silly self.

My dog was back.

After a brief physical examination and re-checking all his joints to make sure that Comang was doing better, the vet and I had another discussion about the N-word.


Comang’s previous owners had chosen not to neuter him as he hardly ever came into contact with other dogs and did not have any behavioral problems that might warrant the procedure.

I personally have always been an advocate of neutering and spaying your pets (unless you were planning to breed) for the many physical and psychological benefits it offers. So I was all set on neutering Comang when we got him, but J vehemently refused.

“Why would you touch a man’s balls if there’s nothing wrong with them? WHY?” he would say.

Comang is one of the most docile and well-behaved dogs I have ever known. And since he hardly comes into contact with other dogs, I couldn’t convince J otherwise.

Then this past weekend, we dog-sat for Dante, my sister’s dog.

Dante is the only dog that Comang goes absolutely nuts over. As I have written before, Comang turns into a completely different animal when Dante is around. Needless to say, the weekend turned into quite a spectacle.

The more I observed Comang’s behavior around Dante, the more I realized that this was a sexual problem (perhaps my dog is gay?). Dante is a significantly more aggressive dog than Comang and Comang knows this. So he never mounts Dante…rather, he follows him around and humps the air around him.

I think the most disturbing moment of the weekend was when I stepped on a wet spot on the floor. I thought that it was just some water dribble from one of the dogs. But as I bent down to clean it up, I realized that it wasn’t entirely clear. And it was a bit…thick.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. My dog had shot a load in his excitement and I had stepped on his spunk.

This incident, in addition to the accidents (Comang never pees in the house otherwise), the knowledge that we can’t keep Comang and Dante apart forever, and the fact that we have a baby on the way finally convinced J to say “yes” to the procedure.

Comang will be getting neutered next Monday.

J is still upset about the prospect, but he knows that it’s for Comang’s best interest.

Thank you for all the concerned comments on this morning’s post about Comang! I would really appreciate it if you can pray and hope for a speedy recovery for Monday’s procedure as well. And if you want to get more Comang updates, follow the Twitter account that J created for him: @Comang.

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9 Responses to “A Gravel, and Snip Snip”

  1. mina says:

    oh i’m so happy it wasn’t something more serious and that the problem was found and solved! hooray comang! it’s so hard to see your little pup suffer. as for the snipping–haha that’s so funny you found his…ejaculation. i hope all goes well, and that J doesn’t take it too hard (not to mention comang)!

  2. Amanda says:

    This post cracked me up, esp. the air humping! Tell J to not anthropomorphize it too much. Comang will still have a little pecker when he’s done! ;-P

  3. Kristin says:

    YAY!! I’m glad Comang is okay. After our boy was neutered, Hubs cuddled with him on the couch all evening when he got home and kept telling him, "I’m sorry, buddy…Mommy just doesn’t understand." haha

  4. tyeung612 says:

    I too waited a long time (2 years) to do the deed because I didn’t believe it was necessary. But at the end, if he can live a longer, happier, and healthier life, then it will be all worth it! Three Cheers for Comang! =P

  5. Emily says:

    Agh, gross! I knew it was time to get one of my cats neutered when i was rubbing his lower belly and felt his red rocket. Disturbing. Yep, i felt a cat’s hard on. He got snippy snipped soon after. At least neutering is a fairly quick and simple procedure. If your vet uses lasers, they heal much, much faster. I’m glad I paid for that "upgrade" for my boys. They also didn’t seem uncomfortable afterwards and were even pawing at each other that afternoon in their side by side cages right after they got neutered.

  6. Carol says:

    Aww that’s great it wasn’t a big problem! You may already know this, but when some pets (again, SOME pets) are fixed later in life, they still tend to do the "motions" even though nothing comes out. And eww about stepping on doggie spunk! LOL

  7. CaitStClair says:

    Glad it was just something simple! That rock must have really been wedged in there, no wonder he was hurting!

    And I never did understand that line of reasoning (don’t snip just because.) I’d rather never know what I was missing than have the hormones but never get any lovin’! Then again, I don’t have any bits and pieces to miss in the first place. 🙂

  8. 1) Very happy to hear you puppy is okay.
    2) I burst out laughing at the spunk comment. Ah! Dog spooge!

  9. I’m so glad he is okay! And if it’s any help Mark doesn’t want to neuter our future hypothetical male dog. I think he just has to deal with it though. 🙂

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