Aug 23, 2012  •  In Entertainment, Funny, Geek, Movies

Joss Whedon’s Secret Plan

I believe that The Avengers was one of the most entertaining movies I have seen this year. And after having re-discovered my love for Firefly earlier this summer by rewatching all the episodes (and the movie)… How could I not share this fantastic cartoon by Gutters? Oh if only this were the case… P.S. — I once read […]

Aug 21, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Cute, Motherhood, Personal

Sisters, Month 9

My mother tells me that when my sister was born, everyone predicted that we would become best friends because we were so close in age (we’re 22 months apart). However, that turned out to be not the case because our personalities were soooo different. While we get along fine now, my sister and I didn’t […]

Aug 18, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment, Geek, Movies

1988: A Great Year for Movies

Illustrator Andrew Wilson has done a fantastic job creating the following poster in celebration of some of the greatest movies of 1988. Can you recognize all four movies referenced in the poster? I’m loving the tributes to Akira and Beetlejuice, but I’m a bit disappointed that another great 1988 movie — Die Hard — wasn’t included. (Did you […]

Aug 18, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Movies, Personal, Travel

This Past Week…

I went out for the first time in I don’t even remember when and two great things happened. The first: I got carded!  The second: I got hit on by three different guys — mama’s still got it! I was rewarded for my adventures the next morning with a raging hangover. I definitely can’t handle […]

Aug 16, 2012  •  In Claire, Motherhood, Personal

My Own Version of Hell

I once read a book which depicted hell as being different for each and every person. According to the author, every individual has a special version of hell specifically designed around his/her deepest fears and anxieties. I couldn’t help but wonder what my customized hell would be like. And as I ran down my list […]

Aug 15, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Personal

Strangers from the Past, Stories for the Future

One of the many side effects I experience from antidepressants is vivid dreams. I remember having some crazy dreams the last time I was on meds, and this time is no different. Luckily, the dreams are hardly ever terrifying. Excitement and thrills? Sure. Like the one I had recently about ancient Egyptian warriors taking over […]

Aug 11, 2012  •  In Art/Design, Entertainment, Funny, Movies

The Movie Genres Recipe [Infographic]

Here are some popular movie genres, visually boiled down to their basic components. I especially love the last element of the Alien Invasion Movie Recipe! It’s interesting to see how many of my favorite films follow these recipes to a tee; I guess it just goes to show that formulas for success exist for a […]