May 24, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Friday PicDump, 05.24.2013

I haven’t been able to take too much pictures this week because I have a nagging cold. Not the fever-aching-gawd-kill-me-now kind, but the annoying type that makes me cough like I have a 2-pack-a-day habit and go through half a box of tissues a day from all the snot that comes oozing down my nose. […]

May 17, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal, Reviews, Science

Friday PicDump, 05.17.2013

A chaotic life and lack of inspiration does not make for a good blogger. Here’s some eye candy for those who are curious as to what C&A have been up to lately… Last week, while taking a walk with the girls, I came across a small playground that seemed intent on being kept hidden. Located […]

May 3, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Friday PicDump, 05.03.2013

I think I’m going to make these PicDumps a regular on Fridays. Not everyone who reads this blog is a Facebook friend with whom I share photos, and I figure that this will motivate me to take more pictures of the kids. 🙂 Last Thursday, April 25 2013, was the national Bring Your Child to […]

Apr 22, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Mini Pic Dump, April 2013

Enjoying the warmer weather and being silly. After each bath, I take Aerin out and get her dried and dressed first since Claire isbetter at keeping herself busy. I usually return to find something like this. You may also like: Spring Break in New Orleans It’s Been a Minute Chirp, Chirp Lazy Days of Summer

Apr 7, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Parenting, Personal

The OCD Nut vs. Mini-Godzilla

Claire has a careful, meticulous personality that borders on being OCD. When she notices a speck of dirt anywhere, she will point it out to me. When there is a wet spot on the floor, she will wipe it up. And just recently, she has started to come to me with her teeny weeny hangnails, […]

Feb 25, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Cute, Funny, Motherhood, Personal

Sisterly Love, or Lack Thereof

They say that the average age difference between siblings is 2-3 years. And wouldn’t you know it — now that Claire is 28 months old, many of my mommy friends whose first children are around her age have steadily been giving birth to their seconds in these past few months. I’m happy for my friends […]

Feb 6, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Motherhood, Parenting, Personal

Negative Nancy vs Positive Polly

Gawd, having two toddlers is tough. And trying to be a good mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever done (and I imagine it will continue to be so for the remainder of my life). These past couple of weeks have been especially trying with J’s parents and my own mother all on vacation (the […]

Jan 14, 2013  •  In Aerin, Claire, Cute, Funny, Motherhood, Personal

A C&A Update

This past week has been hell for me — not only was am I ill with a cold, Aerin has suddenly become super clingy with me. For instance, I’ll be standing behind her and she’ll start screaming because she can’t see me. I can’t even pee in peace because she’ll be trying to climb all over me. […]

Jan 6, 2013  •  In Aerin, Personal, Sports

Dear Daddy,

This is for leaving mommy home alone (while she’s still sick!) and going down to Baltimore for the Ravens vs Colts wild card game today. Because c’mon, wouldn’t you rather be home with this?  😉 You may also like: Spring Break in New Orleans New York Basketball Is Back It’s Been a Minute Power Issues

Dec 28, 2012  •  In Aerin, Claire, Personal

Three Christmases

Call me sentimental, but my favorite posts to read this holiday season were the ones where bloggers posted progressions of photos — whether they were holiday cards or family portraits — that showcased each household’s transitions and growths through the years. The Geek in Heels family almost didn’t take a holiday photo this year. But […]