Aug 30, 2008  •  In Personal

Martha Stewart “Blogger Show”

Call me an old-fashioned, DIY-loving girl, because I have always admired and adored Martha Stewart. Delicious recipes, fabulous projects, and delightful advice…..all delivered in that calming, soothing voice of hers.

Martha on the cover of my favorite magazine, Wired.

On September 17th, the Martha Stewart Show will be taping a special about blogging and have invited bloggers to join the studio audience.

And I’m going!!!

When I got the email I was so happy I wanted to do the dance of joy!

You don’t understand how excited I am. Sigh. I love you Martha! You my girl!

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Aug 29, 2008  •  In Thursday Geek-isms

Thursday Geek-isms

While researching new and upcoming exhibitions for my museum post yesterday, I became frustrated, clicking through the various museums’ websites to find the latest and greatest exhibitions.

“Isn’t there a blog for this?” I asked myself. The closest I found was Curator’s Choice, which (in my humble opion) was difficult to navigate and poorly designed.

Should I create my own? It’ll certainly give me an excuse to visit more museums. However, I’m not sure if my schedule could handle it, or if there will be an interest at all.

Just something to think about during my 4-day weekend. Yes, FOUR. My company decided to give us all an extra vacation day tomorrow, in anticipation of Monday’s Labor Day. Yay!

On to the links!

  1. Quick 10: 10 Words That Will Help You Win at Scrabble, Mental Floss Blog. As a Scrabble lover, I’m proud to say that there was only one word I didn’t know on the list: cwm, which is a valley created by glacial movement. How many do you know?
  2. Android to Get Its Own App Market, TechCrunch. This was one of the biggest tech announcements of the day, and people have been clamoring to call Android an iPhone copycat. The fact of the matter is, mobile app markets have been around for some time – the iPhone App Store is nothing new. However, I’m just a bit concerned at the malware that may be uploaded onto the all-apps-approved market. What do you think?
  3. BlackBerry Bold Review, Gizmodo. I’m more excited about the BB Bold than I was for the iPhone 3G. As expected, it received a great review and I would be preparing to order the phone come September…if it weren’t exclusive to AT&T. Why, mobile overlords, why?!?
  4. My Restaurant Update, Blog. I have been a long-time reader of Scott Adams’ blog, and I especially loved today’s post on the creative ways he is drawing customers to his restaurant. A Digg-like menu format? Game nights? Networking lunches? All great examples of thinking outside the box. Great job, Mr. Adams!
  5. 6 inspiring colour tools web designers should bookmark, Web Distortion. Self-explanatory, and great links! I *heart* color!
  6. Tiramolla Loft Bedrooms, Apartment Therapy. Turn a loft bed into a loft bedroom and you get…beauty. Spectacular! I love these designs!
  7. Thank God: Guitar Praise Offers Guitar Hero for Christians, Wired Gadget Lab. As soon as I saw this I asked J if we can get it. His response: “Only if they have Faith+1 songs.” Hehehe. My husband’s awesome.
  8. Science of Star Wars, Boing Boing. The world of Star Wars explained in physics! If they had taught this at school maybe I wouldn’t have gotten a miserable C in physics.
  9. North Korea claims to have invented anti-hunger noodles, Boing Boing. I’m not sure if I can believe that N. Korea invented “magic” noodles. After all, Kim Jong Il claims to have invented outer space and DVDs.
  10. Geek License Plates Show Just How Geeky the Road Can Get (Very), Gizmodo. I think I like the FFFFFF one the best.  😉
  11. Making The Call: The Greatest Year In Sports, Gothamist. I must admit that this year, so far, has been pretty dope for sports. The big upset in the Superbowl. The crazy comebacks during the NBA Finals. Records broken left and right at the Olympics. Do you agree?
  12. Lego Scenes Celebrate 2008 Olympic Summer Games with Star Wars Stormtroopers, Gizmodo. I think I got it. Get ahold of some Lego figures and recreate famous photographs, movies, or events. Generate tons of traffic to my site. Voila!
Aug 27, 2008  •  In Art/Design, NYC

Wanted: Museum Buddy

As much as I hate doing tourist activities, one of my favorite things to do when in a new city is to check out its museums. I chose to attend Johns Hopkins for its Art History program (most people are not aware that JHU has a great art history program – top 5 in the country – but unfortunately I decided to pursue another course of study). I still consider my 3 month summer internship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art one of the best experiences of my life.

Needless to say, I love museums. I love the hushed atmosphere, the beautiful architecture that usually accompanies them, and immersing myself in the works of geniuses (including nature) of the past, present, and future.

I’m fine perusing the hallways of museums alone; however it’s always more fun with friends. Unfortunately, J could give a crap about museums, and not too many of my friends are into the arts.

I need a museum buddy.

Anyone interested in the following exhibits?


Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
through September 1

The symbolic and metaphorical associations between fashion and the superhero are explored in this compelling exhibition. Featuring movie costumes, avant-garde haute couture, and high-performance sportswear, it reveals how the superhero serves as the ultimate metaphor for fashion and its ability to empower and transform the human body. Objects are organized thematically around particular superheroes, whose movie costumes and superpowers are catalysts for the discussion of key concepts of superheroism and their expression in fashion.

(I will probably stop by the Met this Saturday the 30th since this exhibit is closing so soon.)


Vasily Kandinsky: Beginnings
Guggenheim Museum

Perhaps more than any other 20th-century painter, Vasily Kandinsky has been closely linked to the history of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Hilla Rebay—artist, art advisor, and the museum’s first director—encouraged Solomon R. Guggenheim to begin collecting Kandinsky’s work in 1929 and to then meet the artist for the first time at the Dessau Bauhaus in July 1930. This was the start of a period of continuous acquisition of paintings and watercolors by Kandinsky. The current installation of the Kandinsky Gallery explores the artist’s early mastery of the graphic arts, as well as his translation of printmaking techniques to painting.

(I love Kandinsky! He’s one of my favorite painters…I’ve love to see some of this earlier work up close and personal.)


Wunderkammer: A Century of Curiosities
Museum of Modern Art
through November 10

Wunderkammern, or cabinets of curiosities, arose in mid-sixteenth-century Europe as repositories for all manner of wondrous and exotic objects. In essence these collections—combining specimens, diagrams, and illustrations from many disciplines; marking the intersection of science and superstition; and drawing on natural, manmade, and artificial worlds—can be seen as the precursors to museums. This exhibition presents a contemporary interpretation of the traditional cabinet of curiosities, bringing together a diverse selection of works by twentieth- and twenty-first-century artists who have likewise felt the pull of unusual and extraordinary objects and phenomena. The works on display include prints, books, multiples, drawings, and photographs, with subjects ranging from architectural marvels and blueprints for impossible machines to oddities from the animal, vegetable, and mineral worlds. Featured artists include Hans Bellmer, Peter Blake, Louise Bourgeois, Max Ernst, and Damien Hirst, among others.

(Combining science and superstition? I’m there! Plus I’m sure it’ll be very geeky.)


Japonisme in American Graphic Art, 1880–1920
Brooklyn Museum of Art
through October 12

Japonisme in American Graphic Art, 1880–1920 explores the myriad manifestations of Japonisme in a selection of rarely seen American works on paper from the Brooklyn Museum’s permanent collection. Concurrent with the so-called “Japan craze” in America was a renewed interest in graphic arts: as watercolor, pastel, etching, and other graphic media came to be appreciated for their artistry and expressivity, they also reflected the impact of Japanese art. Color woodcuts by late-eighteenth- and nineteenth-century masters such Hiroshige, Hokusai, and Kuniyoshi were avidly collected in the West and served as particularly influential models of stylistic and technical innovation for American artists.

(The last time I visited the Brooklyn Museum of Art was for its famous Murakami exhibition…and I loved not only the exhibit, but the entire museum itself. Definitely worth venturing out to Brooklyn.)


Whitney Museum of American Art
through November 30

Progress brings together works from the Whitney’s permanent collection, highlighting connections between art and visions of utopia. In the early part of the twentieth century, artists and architects like Joseph Albers, Naum Gabo, and Frederick Kiesler carried the revolutionary aims of the European avant-garde to America. The utopian impulse of these artists found its parallel in America’s optimism in developing new technology and the rise of consumer culture–advancements registered in the emergence of Minimalism and Pop Art in the 1950s and ’60s.

This presentation includes works in a variety of media at once representing and critiquing the social and aesthetic goals of Modernism. Artists such as Dan Flavin, Ad Reinhardt, and Sherrie Levine recorded the myriad responses, both hopeful and critical, to the transformation in American culture brought on by the influx of utopian ideals. Other artists address the linear advancement of modernity from a distance, neither celebrating nor critiquing the changes it has brought, but tracking its effects over the passage of time. “Progress” also presents more recent works by artists including Paul Sietsema and Joel Sternfeld, who mine Modernism’s utopian moments in order to gauge how the familiar narratives of progress in the United States continue to haunt and inspire contemporary experience.

(Visions of utopia through various media. This one looks very interesting but it may need to be saved for a time when I’m feeling particularly contemplative.)


The Full Figure and Portraiture 1926-1941
The Noguchi Museum
through February 15, 2009

The Noguchi Museum exhibits a full figure bronze sculpture, entitled Undine (Nadja), in its first public exhibition since the 1920s. Isamu Noguchi’s unique vision emerged in response to the Western figurative traditions and techniques he experienced firsthand in the workshop of the sculptor Gutzon Borglum and through his mentor, Onorio Ruotolo. Organized around Undine, this exhibit also highlights a selection of portrait busts from the permanent collection which illustrate Noguchi’s growing confidence owing to his formative academic training and a natural gift for incisive portraiture.

(I love Noguchi! Again, it’ll be interesting to see some of his earlier works as influenced by Western training.)

It can be a PITA to look up all the new exhibitions at the various museums. Maybe I should start a NYC museum blog? Hmm…

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Aug 27, 2008  •  In Gadgets, Geek

Hello Lover!

The HTC S740 was announced today. HELLO GORGEOUS! I’m such a sucker for sleek, minimalist designs.

The specs, according to BGR:

  • 116.3 x 43.4 x 16.3 mm
  • GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
  • WCDMA/HSDPA: 900/2100 MHz (we’d guess there is a 850/1900MHz UMTS/HSDPA version in the works, supports HSDPA 3.6Mbps and HSDPA 7.2Mbps)
  • 2.4″ QVGA screen
  • 3.2 megapixel camera
  • Qualcomm® MSM7225, 528 MHz
  • 256MB flash ROM, 256MB RAM
  • microSD slot
  • 140g
  • 1000mAh battery
  • Wi-Fi b,g
  • aGPS
  • Bluetooth 2.0
  • FM radio

Pretty sweet, if I do say so myself. The only downside is that it runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 which isn’t my favorite mobile OS. However, the design and specs more than make up for it.

The HTC S740 is slated to be released in Europe next month. Damn you, North America, for having some of the worst selection of cell phones in the modern world!

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Aug 26, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Personal

The Evolution of the Geek in Heels Girl

Before making the official switch to Squarespace, I have decided that a site redesign is in order.

I like the current design – it’s cute and minimalistic, which is my style. However, the Geek in Heels girl was bugging me a bit.

I was pretty lazy when creating this blog and so bought this vector image from iStockPhoto:

I hardly ever wear my hair up so I changed the hair, got rid of the glasses (I wear contact lenses), and changed some colors here and there. I changed the laptop into an Apple MacBook Pro, which is the computer I use at home. I also made minor changes to her face to make her look a bit less perky, as I am as boring and monotone as you can get. And most importantly, I made her shoes into high heels.

The main reason the Geek in Heels girl has been bothering me is because lately, I have been seeing more and more sites using the same original image. I wanted to be different.

Although my Illustrator skills are a bit rusty, I decided to create a new Geek in Heels girl from scratch, using my own face as inspiration. I decided to use this photo of myself:

I then turned it into a very simple sketch:

I then scanned the sketch and started the creating the vector graphics by “tracing” over the original sketch:

I did all this using the trackpad on my laptop. When I do graphics work I really wish I had a separate mouse or even a tablet.

The final face:

I’ll probably end up making some additional tweaks since I have yet to start the body. I’m still trying to decide whether to have her sitting or lying on her stomach (posed with a laptop, of course).

Any suggestions? Thoughts?

(ETA: I just showed this to J and he remarked, “But that doesn’t look like you. Where are your freckles?” I guess you can’t please everyone.)

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Aug 22, 2008  •  In Thursday Geek-isms

Thursday Geek-isms

The lovely Ellie (of The Lucky Nest fame) wrote this delightful limerick for me:

I once knew a lady named Jenny
Whose smile was a bright as a penny
Her marriage was bunk
(Due to legalese junk)
Still, it was better than many.

No one’s ever written a poem for/about me before so I literally did a little hop and a skip as I read it. Thank you!

On to the links…

  1. Mozilla Crowns Best Firefox 3 Extensions, Lifehacker. J has a gazillion and one extensions installed on his Firefox. Me? Only a few. But the some of the extensions on this list really look interesting, like Read It Later (self-explanatory) and Callout (porn, anyone?).
  2. Gaming Lookalikes, Cloud Strife & Andy Warhol. Mario & Borat. The best one, however, has to be Master Chief & the Samsung Silencio SC9540 vaccumn cleaner.
  3. Culture Shapes How People See Faces, Wired Science. Westerners look to the eyes first, then the mouth. Asians focus on the center of the face. And according to scientists, the western approach is more intimate, while the Asian way is more formal and holistic. Prett interesting stuff, to say the least.
  4. Scorned Women, Jazebel. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I think that the worst I ever did after finding out an ex had been cheating on me (then he dumped me, to boot) was lock myself in my apartment for a week, cry myself to oblivion and lose 5 lbs by not being able to eat. Some of the stuff in this gallery is serious. There are some vengeful and pure crazy women out there. Wowza.
  5. LG’s Prada II? Boy Genius Report. The original LG Prada phone is actually a favorite cell phone design of mine. Sleek and minimalistic…if only the price tag weren’t so exhorbitant. I like the LG Prada II design even better for its slide-out QWERTY keyboard. If this photo turns out to be real, I’d be very interested to research all its specs in detail.
  6. 19 Terrifying Incidents Involving Fish, Neatorama. It’s no secret that I have a great fear of fish and birds. “Fish?!?” people ask me. “But they’re in tanks. Or at least contained in water. Why are you scared of them?” HA! Now you see why!
  7. Best NY Closets: Anna Sui & More, Apartment Therapy. Remember that scene in Sex and the City movie where Big proposes to Carrie with a fabulous walk-in closet? Sigh. I’m not too into clothes, shoes, or accessories (designer bags excluded) but I am a nut for organization and these closets are a dream.
  8. Private Browsing Coming to IE? Mashable. I’m happy to say that I wasn’t the only dirty-minded person reading this announcement.
  9. Push pulled from latest iPhone firmware beta, TUAW. I think this was a smart move on Apple’s part. A better idea would’ve been to not call it “push” in the first place, because it technically wasn’t.
  10. NBA Will Try To Go Where No Major Has Gone Before: Live Streaming In Local Markets, paidContent. I’ve never been one for live streaming feeds (unless I have no access to a television) but this sounds interesting, because it’s never been successfully done before. Will it work?
  11. A first look at the Google Android SDK, VentureBeat. The web was abuzz this week with the official announcement from T-Mobile about the availability of the HTC Dream, as well as the release of the latest Google Android SDK v0.9. Despite some of the negative press that Android has been receiving, I’m hopeful.
  12. The Force Unleashed video dump may ‘blow your mind’, Joystiq. The Force Unleashed has to be one of the most anticipated video games of the year. These videos only adds to the hype, because frankly, the game looks sick. Especially the first video. Wow.
Aug 21, 2008  •  In Funny, Marketing/Advertising, Video Games

Kudos to EA

I love it when companies go the extra 5,280 feet! When a fan made this YouTube video about a glitch in the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 video game, EA took notice, spun the story to work in their advantaged, and acknowledged the fan’s efforts in this new commercial:

Brilliant marketing! Great job, EA!

(via Micro Persuasion)

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Aug 20, 2008  •  In Personal

Why I’m Single Again

As a fairly traditional woman, I always knew I would change my name after marriage.

I took a trip down to the local Social Security office this morning to get the ball rollin’ on the name change process. Guess what happened.

Due to a name mix-up, it turns out that our marriage certificate is NOT valid.

We are not legally married.

Awesome. Now I have to go through the long and costly process of having my name legally changed, then the marriage cert corrected.

There has been so many hurdles in the engagement and wedding process that I’m starting to think someone out there doesn’t want us together.

At least we’re trying to see the humor in this. J suggested that we change our relationship status in Facebook from “Married” to “It’s Complicated” to mess with our friends. I sent him this e-card in response:

My girlfriends think that I should throw a “Jenny is single again!” party to commemorate the event. Woohoo! Partayyyy!

Maybe we should just take a weekend trip to Vegas and do a drive-thru wedding there. At least it’ll be legal.

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Aug 15, 2008  •  In Thursday Geek-isms

Thursday Geek-isms

When I was in college, I used to download new Korean songs every day. Now, I barely have time to check the Korean charts, let alone look for the mp3s and organize them. Nonetheless, I still have a very healthy Korean music collection that I play quite often, so I guess it’s been rubbing off on my Chinese husband.

J now knows more about popular Korean songs, downloads them, and listens to Korean music more than I! He even sings along to some of the songs. Of course, he has no idea what he’s singing about (it’s more like mimicking the sounds), but it’s still pretty startling.

He has a plugin installed on his computer that sets his IM status to whatever song he’s playing at that moment. This morning, I had a mini-freak-out when I kept seeing all this Korean under his name – I kept thinking, “Ooh, who is this Korean friend who is playing good Korean music? What?!? That’s can’t be my husband!”

I cook you Korean food, I make you listen to Korean music, and take you to a Korean church. The transformation has begun, and you are well under way. One day, you will give in completely to to dark side! Muhahahaha…

Enjoy the links!

  1. New Final Fantasy XI boss could take 24 hours to kill, Joystiq. The longest I ever spent on a FF boss was a little over 2 hours, and I remember being exhausted afterwards. And pissed. What kind of demented, evil, sick person would design such a program? But now, I can go ahead and shove my complaint up where the sun don’t shine. As J so thoughtfully pointed out, only the WoW guy (the one with no life) in South Park is capable of taking on this boss.
  2. Audi R8 That Would Make James Bond Proud, Geekologie. Sigh. All it’s missing is me. Inside. Workings and soaking in all its awesomeness.
  3. 10 Books on Technology Every Geek Should Read, Neatorama. I hang my head in shame. I do not own any of these titles. I’m not worthy!
  4. Art Imitates Ferris Bueller, Gothamist. The parade scene is one of my favorites from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I’m tempted to volunteer, but I’m not a fan of attending parades. Maybe I’ll pretend to be Ferris’ dad.
  5. The Criterion Collection’s Reference Blu-ray Player: The PlayStation 3, Gizmodo. This confirms it. Don’t get a stand-alone Blu-ray player. Get a PS3 instead. Games and movies!
  6. 6 Reasons Today’s Olympic Swimmers are Breaking so many World Records, Mental Floss Blog. Dude! Have you seen the swimming events? It’s the clajee! Records being trampled every night! I knew that the swimsuits really help cut down resistance, but I had no idea about the others. It’s all physics, my friends.
  7. New Study Suggests That The Pill Could Make You Misread Men, Jezebel. So does this mean that all the men I have been attracted to for the past 5 years (I need to take the pill to control my debilitating, curl-into-a-fetal-position-and-cry cramps) could be a result of the added hormones? If I were off the pill, would I still be attracted to them? Hmm…
  8. The Wii finally gets DVD playback — no thanks to Nintendo,  Engadget. I still don’t understand why Nintendo doesn’t just add DVD compatibility, especially if it’s just a matter of adding some software.
  9. Mio’s Knight Rider GPS Now Available For Pre-Order, Gizmodo. “KITT?” “Yes, Jenny?” “Drive your arse out to the west coast and pick me up some In-and-Out, will ya?” “Certainly, Jenny. How do you want your burger?” Sigh. Wishful thinking.
  10. 7 Reasons “Clone Wars” Will Be Worth Seeing, Mental Floss Blog. Why am I even posting this link? As if I need any further convincing…
  11. The Periodic Table of Awesoments, Miss Cellania. Bacon is #1 and Ninja is #2. Also included: Chuck Norris, Boobs, Jedi, and most importantly, Beer. A must-see.
  12. Western Civilization, You’ve Been Served – Chinese Olympic Opening Ceremony Best Ever, Core77. Despite all the mishaps and controversies revealed this week, that was still a damn good ceremony. (Although the dove BBQ at the Seoul games was pretty dope too.)
Aug 13, 2008  •  In Art/Design, Geek

Oh SIGGRAPH, Why Do You Taunt Me So?

Sigh. I really, really wanted to be in LA this week for SIGGRAPH 2008, but I had to design a few crappy fliers, organize some gifts, and send those over instead.

News from SIGGRAPH has been all over my Google Reader these past couple of days, and it’s only day 2! You can check out teasers of all the mind-blowing technology on the SIGGRAPH website, but this in particular caught my eye. Via Gizmodo:

Microsoft’s “Unwrap Mosaics” Add Moustaches (and More) to Video

Imagine being able to put a handlebar mustache on Grandma in a home video as easily as you could with Photoshop and a digital image. Microsoft showed off new technology called “Unwrap Mosaics” at the SIGGRAPH trade show in Los Angeles that could make this dream a reality without the need for fancy professional equipment.

By “unwrapping” or flattening a 3D image, the program simplifies the editing process, making it possible to add artifacts and other special effects with greater ease. The project is only in the research phase at the moment, but the long term goal would undoubtedly be to slap a UI on there and deliver it to a mustache hungry public. Hit the link for a videos and documentation on the Unwrap Mosaic technology. [Unwrap Mosaics]

Remember Calculus III in college? And how everything got even more convoluted as you delved into the world of 3D processing? For this same reason, video editing has always been a very complicated process. But now, Microsoft has found a solution that actually seems too user-friendly to be true.

Simply. Amazing.

You can find me pouring over more SIGGRAPH goodies for the rest of the week, cursing the damned project that has me chained to my desk.

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